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Car Body Repairs - Dyehouses

Car body paint factories produce many types of waste that need special care in storage, transport and disposal in order to comply with environmental regulations. All of these materials are considered hazardous according to the European Waste Catalog (EWC) and are therefore required to be treated with adequate care by producers.
The most common management codes include:

  • Liquid wastes or sludges from paints and varnishes containing organic solvents or other dangerous substances

  • Used paint oven filters

  • Packaging containing residues of dangerous substances or contaminated with them


MANOIL offers collection-transportation services for all the above types of hazardous waste, adapted to meet the specific needs of each company. As part of our services we provide all the required temporary storage packages and we handle all regulatory documents, ensuring full compliance with the law.

Waste from paints and varnishes containing organic solvents or other hazardous substances


Disposable paint oven filters contaminated with hazardous substances


Packaging containing
, or contaminated with, residues of hazardous substances

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