Producer: any natural or legal person whose activity produced waste (original producer) and / or any person who has carried out pre-treatment, mixing or other operations which lead to a change in the nature or composition of such waste.
Collection: the set of tasks by which the collection takes place or and packaging clearly
separated by type of hazardous waste as well as their marking, by the holders-producers in the companies collecting this waste.
Alternative management system: means the organization on an individual or collective basis with any legal form of collection operations including the guarantee, transport, reuse and utilization of used packaging or packaging waste and other products
Used mineral oils : any industrial or lubricated mineral or lubricating oils which have become unsuitable for the purpose for which they were originally intended, in particular used internal combustion engine and gearbox oils and engine, turbine and hydraulic mineral oils. Used mineral oils also include mixtures of petroleum residues - lubricating oils from ships, other means of transport or fixed installations.
ADR: It is the acronym (Accord european relatif au transport international des merchandises Dangereuses par Route) of the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road, signed in Geneva in 1957.
Regeneration : any process which allows the production of basic mineral oils by purification of used mineral oils and which involves in particular the separation of impurities, oxidation products and additives contained in these mineral oils.
UN number: are four-digit numbers that identify hazardous substances and objects (such as flammable liquids, toxic substances, etc.) in the context of international transport.
Disposal : the treatment or destruction of waste, as well as their storage or disposal on or in the ground, with a view to harming health and the environment. Disposal of waste oils includes any other work referred to in the provisions of the current legislation on solid waste disposal operations.
Management : all hazardous waste disposal operations, as well as their collection and temporary storage, including the supervision of such operations and the subsequent care of landfills.
Processing: the work aimed at the reuse of used mineral oils, ie at regeneration.
Hazardous waste : wastes containing substances classified as toxic, explosive, flammable, carcinogenic, radioactive, irritating and mutagenic, as well as any substance which may cause damage to water (surface or ground), air or soil.
European Waste Catalog (EKA): is a harmonized, non-exhaustive waste list, which will be regularly reviewed and, if necessary, reconstructed in accordance with the European Community procedure.
Owner : the producer of the waste or the natural or legal person who owns the waste.
EKA Code: Each sub-chapter of the NRA contains six-digit codes that describe the different types of waste per production activity.
Transportation : The process of transporting hazardous waste from collection facilities to landfills or facilities for disposal, recovery or transhipment.